Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Today Toby was singing a new song. It was very cute and very high pitched. It went something like this:
I'm sorry that I disobeyed. I'm sorry that I disobeyed Mommy and Daddy. I don't talk to you that way. I'm sorry that I disobeyed.

He is a sweet boy, really! He's been in his room singing and playing and -- maybe -- cleaning something up for about 1/2 an hour now.

I love him.

While Mommy was away

This past weekend I attended my 20th High School reunion. It was a fabulous time wiht some fantastic women. While I was away, Brian took care of Toby. Here are a few quotes/tales from their time together.

On Saturday, Brian took Toby to the beach at the lake. On the way out he fell and said
Ouch, I'm having a rough day. The only thing I want to do is go to the beach and not get any ouchies.

Then, on Sunday, there was an "incident" of sorts at church. Ugh! Toby got wet and then sandy so Brian was called to change him (not sure why) and while he was attempting to find another pair of pants (none could be found), Toby had to go to the bathroom. Unfortunately, he wanted to go on a tree. Now, this is ok at home, but it's not ok at church/school. Toby proceeded to pull his pants down and run outside yelling:
I want to pee on a tree.
Apparently, this lead to much screaming, a lot of "no Daddy, no" and an early car ride home. When they returned home, Toby said he was sorry for disobeying and sinning and prayed that God would forgive him. Then, he fell asleep with Daddy for a nap.

When I came home I was greeted with the biggest, hugest, longest, strongest hug I've ever had from my little boy.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Toby's Mother's Day Card

Here is an example of the card I made for my Mom from Toby.

Click to play To Nana, Love Toby

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